Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Student Reviews in Visual Arts and Creative Writing in new Spoleto

Students continue to work on their self portraits and landscapes of Spoleto in Visual Arts class. In addition, students constructively review classmates' work and provide suggestions for how to improve details within the artwork. Raul Miyar, instructor of Visual Arts, has been taking photos of students' progress at the end of each day. When students present at performance classes, the process of developing artwork into a more realistic piece is shown. What these students have accomplished is impressive! Please stay posted for the presentation of final pieces.  

Creative Writing for 29-30 July:  New Spoleto.  Our venture into the  “lower,” or “newer” Spoleto turned into a two-day journey instead of the anticipated one-day journey.   As we walked along a busy street, looking at a quasi-industrial portion of the lower city, we searched for a path which would connect us to the commercial district, which we could see from our present location, but couldn’t quite determine the best way to get there.  Then we discovered a small bridge over a dry river bed, and took it.  Walden was leading the way, and just when he arrived at the opposite side of the bridge and began to descend the steps, disaster, in the form of angry wasps, which stung him wildly and send him dancing in pain down the steps onto the street.

            We quickly determined the location of a pharmacy, arrived there momentarily only to discover an extra-long waiting line of customers.  Walden was in such pain, we decided to try to find a nearby café where we could get him some ice.  The woman running the café advised us that if there were five or more stings, we should consult a physician immediately, and luckily, there was just such a physician next door to her café (in the rear of the pharmacy was a  doctor who saw patients on an emergency basis.  As the pictures will show, she knew exactly what to give him, determined that there was no danger of an allergic reaction, dressed both ankles for him and sent us on our way.  Our day was over, as it was time for dinner.

We resumed our walk today, after some initial confusion about where we were starting from, but we eventually made it to our destination, the areas largest super market, where the students split up, examined the store for how the Italians present their foodstuffs, including everything from fresh-baked pastries, to meats, to cheeses, to produce, etc.  They eventually convened in the café attached to the supermarket and journaled for about 30 minutes, then to dinner and our second performance class.

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