Saturday, August 3, 2013

Buon Viaggio!

It is so hard to believe that our three weeks here in Spoleto are already coming to a close. What a wonderful summer it has been! This was truly a special group of students -- full of talent, motivation, and personality! Thank you for sharing your gifted kids with us; we so value the relationships we've formed with them and the opportunity to witness their incredible growth as artists.

The closeness of this group was never more apparent than today as we viewed the visual arts and photography exhibition at 11:00 AM this morning. Student support was overwhelming, and the work reveals the creativity and artistry of each individual. We hope you like some of the images from the event! 

Tonight will prove to be just as amazing with our final program showcasing every vocalist, creative writer, and actor. We are looking forward to hearing the collective work of the choir, seven pieces from Mozart's opera, Le Nozze di Figaro, and scenes from some American Musical Theater including: "Sisters" from White Christmas, "Three Little Maids" from The Mikado, "Some Things are Meant to Be" from Little Women, "Almost Like Being in Love" from Brigadoon, and "Just a Housewife" from Working. Each Creative Writer will also read an original piece inspired by our stay in Spoleto. Finally, the actors will each perform a Shakespearean piece ranging from Romeo and Juliet to Henry VI.  

It is with bittersweet hearts we depart in the morning, but I know all the students are eager to see their families and tell them all about their Italian adventures. Thank you once again - Buon Viaggio!


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